As we announced in an earlier post from the 4th of July, we have an interspecies competition (we have a few chicken contenders) running for who can make the most comments on our blog by July 4, 2011.
It has been a long time coming, but I finally hacked together a blog-wide comment counter and placed it over on the right there. At the time of this post, we have a tie between Nancy (Em’s mom) and Emily G.
For the geek readers following along: the counter is pretty rudimentary and as I said, hacked together, at the moment, but when I can get some time to refine it, I may release it as a WordPress plugin… maybe. I did find a nice existing plugin that did this, but several people on forums (myself included) were unable to get it to work properly with recent versions of WordPress.
Anyhow, the point being: comment away, readers, and let the competition carry on.
Is this what you were working on this morning while Em and I were putzing around Harvard? Nice! By the way, I forgot to leave you guys the pictures! Sorry! I’ll email them to you Wednesday when I get home.
Indeed it is, Liv, I mean Livni… Nicely done there, I see you have tied for the lead!
And yes, please send photos so we can post them!
Hardly seems fair ……Emily and I have both been to JP got to come up with a new prize!