Category Archives: Uncategorized
The Solver of the Rubik’s Cube Was….
Emily. Not much of a surprise to you readers apparently, with Emily leading in the poll all along and finishing with 8 against my 3. Solving the Rubik’s Cube was quite a feat. Em spent a good chunk of time with it over Thanksgiving weekend and consulted some online tutorials. There were some hurdles and […]
Guess Who Solved a Rubik’s Cube
Kepler Settling In
Open House in Providence

Okay, so now that we are finally settled back in Providence, we had an open house. Part of the preparation included freeing up all available bowls (and borrowing some mugs from our friends Seth & Sarah and Adam & Alyssa). We’ve had this so-called “chocolate asteroid” sitting around since Christmastime. Allow me to explain. Around […]
The Commuter Rail
While we lived in Boston, here’s how I got to and from work in Providence: the MBTA Commuter Rail Providence / Stoughton line. My schedule options were as follows: Depart by bike, 6:18 AM -> Ruggles Station, Boston at 6:33 AM -> Providence Station at 7:25 AM -> bike to office by 7:55 AM Depart […]
A Visit to the JFK Library

Okay, now that we are just about to move back to Providence (thanks a lot, Kepler…), here’s how we paid a fond farewell to Boston with a true Bostonian experience – a visit to the JFK Library and Museum. I was quite taken with the experience. Here’s a sentimental recap. Really, it’s a combination of […]