Snowstorm Nemo

Now that I’m back in Providence, I was finally treated to the serious snow I’d been missing. Nobody in the immediate area lost power, although our lights were flickering a bit last night. It was charming to see the sights this morning – neighbors being neighborly and kids throwing snowballs.

I did some sledding down our street last night. It was a bit unsatisfying because the thickness of this snow makes it hard to run, and I couldn’t go very far.

Also, I was excited to see this notice on our local library website.


I have a book out called Where the Action is, which is technically due today (and it’s an interlibrary loan, which means no renewals), but thanks to the snow, I have another two days with it. All in all, it’s a win-win situation.

One thought on “Snowstorm Nemo

  1. Becky

    That was a great snowstorm but I don’t need any more like it. So glad you were there to shovel. My millennial tenants a bit after you refused. Thought I should pay them!


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