Myron still looks mostly like mom. People mention this all the time. Someone said that he didn’t seem to have much resemblance to me, but I pointed out that he has my appetite.

Over our Christmas vacation, Grandma Nancy introduced him to cereal that he could feed himself. This was like pouring lighter fluid on the previously slow-burning flame of Myron developing his hand-eye coordination. At first, he had about a 50% success rate getting pieces into his mouth, but I could see significant progress every day. Sometimes he will really focus and use a single index finger and thumb. Other times he eats like Cookie Monster. I think he has about a 90% success rate now. He has a few bibs with scoops at the bottom, and he will even dig into the scoop with his hand to get the stragglers.

Sometimes he still gets pieces stuck to his hands and face, but he has no shame about this.

Myron has enjoyed playing peek-a-boo for a while. Recently, he has been participating in it by pulling the napkins off our faces.

I usually put a towel on my shoulder to catch any spit-up before I pick him up. Sometimes he will pull down the towel and get a big grin on his face, thus initiating a round of peek-a-boo.
He also loves to be held upside-down.

Also, he is pretty good at balancing while he sits up. He doesn’t pull himself up yet, but if we set him sitting up, he will stay that way for a few minutes at least until he flings himself at something else.
No crawling yet. He does pivot around pretty well to keep tabs on us, and sometimes he tries to propel himself forward, but he ends up pushing himself backwards.

For a while now, Myron has been watching me brush my teeth. He wants to be held most of the time (and complains loudly if we try to put him down in these moments), so I often hold him with one hand while brushing my teeth with the other. He observed this activity quite inquisitively for a while. Then he sprouted two teeth on the bottom, so when I started to brush them, he got very excited and grabbed the toothbrush – he knew exactly what to do, and he seemed quite proud of himself! Sometimes he just holds his arm out straight and waves the toothbrush in the air while grinning and squealing.

Over our Christmas vacation, Grandma Nancy introduced him to cereal that he could feed himself. This was like pouring lighter fluid on the previously slow-burning flame of Myron developing his hand-eye coordination. At first, he had about a 50% success rate getting pieces into his mouth, but I could see significant progress every day. Sometimes he will really focus and use a single index finger and thumb. Other times he eats like Cookie Monster. I think he has about a 90% success rate now. He has a few bibs with scoops at the bottom, and he will even dig into the scoop with his hand to get the stragglers.

Sometimes he still gets pieces stuck to his hands and face, but he has no shame about this.

Myron has enjoyed playing peek-a-boo for a while. Recently, he has been participating in it by pulling the napkins off our faces.

I usually put a towel on my shoulder to catch any spit-up before I pick him up. Sometimes he will pull down the towel and get a big grin on his face, thus initiating a round of peek-a-boo.
He also loves to be held upside-down.

Also, he is pretty good at balancing while he sits up. He doesn’t pull himself up yet, but if we set him sitting up, he will stay that way for a few minutes at least until he flings himself at something else.
No crawling yet. He does pivot around pretty well to keep tabs on us, and sometimes he tries to propel himself forward, but he ends up pushing himself backwards.

For a while now, Myron has been watching me brush my teeth. He wants to be held most of the time (and complains loudly if we try to put him down in these moments), so I often hold him with one hand while brushing my teeth with the other. He observed this activity quite inquisitively for a while. Then he sprouted two teeth on the bottom, so when I started to brush them, he got very excited and grabbed the toothbrush – he knew exactly what to do, and he seemed quite proud of himself! Sometimes he just holds his arm out straight and waves the toothbrush in the air while grinning and squealing.