By request, here’s an update on Myron and Kepler. They’re getting along pretty well, but their relationship is one-way at this point, since I’m pretty sure Myron doesn’t know Kepler exists. It helps that Kepler has lost her hearing, so she is oblivious to any crying noises. Here’s the scene when we first introduced Kepler to Myron – she was a bit tentative but curious. Em is opening one of a series of very sweet letters that some of her friends organized and wrote. There are instructions on each indicating when to open them.

Kepler has a behavior of guarding us while we eat, and she expects (and demands) us to do the same for her, naturally. I think she has started to guard Myron sometimes.

I put Myron’s hospital-issued hat (which seems to fit the best at his current head size) on Kepler, and she put up with it for long enough for me to get this photo.