Monthly Archives: October 2019

First flight and other flight-related experiences


Lately, when we set Myron down on the floor, he has been doing this skydiving pose and pumping his legs in excitement. Also, we saw a turkey walk down our street! He/she was just pecking through the grass for snacks. The utility company is replacing water lines, and said turkey also stopped to drink some […]

More Name References

We put a lot of thought behind Myron’s name, as I wrote about earlier, and some things that we learned about Myron’s time in daycare reminded me of one of his namesakes. Myron Rosander was a key figure in that crucial time in my life when I was trying to figure out who I was as […]

6 months! Solid foods, Grandma Nancy visit

This guy is 6 months old today! Also, it’s the farthest day away from April Fool’s Day. I suggested celebrating October Serious Day, which was met with groans and sighs. Maybe that’s exactly what one expects on October Serious Day though – that no one finds it funny? Grandma Nancy visited a few days ago […]