Myron does theater camp

ticket to the performance

I wrote earlier about Myron’s propensity for costume, which is still with us today. Also lately, he has been interested in listening to audio stories and retelling them, especially the silly parts. Most of the time he does this in the bathroom while we are wrapping up dinner, so we hear a dinner theater performance. […]

Myron is 5!

Okay, he turned 5 a while ago, but here’s some evidence. Myron and Em picked up balloons, including a gold “5”-shaped one. He waited in his lookout tree for friends to come. Friends came from near and far. When they arrived, we made robot costumes and chalk art on the driveway. I made Myron’s costume […]

A four-year-old contemplates mortality

The other day, Em, Myron, and I were driving to look for a new bike frame for me and have dinner at a restaurant afterwards. Earlier that day, I visited a friend and learned that her cat had cancer and wasn’t eating – probably a response to the chemotherapy. I mentioned this to Em, and […]

Myron in Costume

Myron has always been an observant kid, and he is good at following and sticking with his interests. When he was fascinated with wheels, he would find wheels in places I didn’t know wheels existed. He would see a pattern on a park bench that looked somewhat round and call it a wheel. In the […]

Bedtime Stories


Many times it seems that Myron isn’t paying attention and then he surprises us.  We went to visit Great Grandma Teresa last weekend. It was the first time in a while that I took him with me. He was very much not looking forward to this trip. In fact, he hid on the floor, partly […]

Potty Training

Teaching Myron this important life skill had fallen off my radar, but Em kept it on hers, and we (mostly Em) tackled it a few months ago (consider this a retro post). Our daycare is very into child-directed learning and exploration, so no one there had emphasized the need for potty training. They are very […]

Myron is 3! Dinosaurs!

Myron playing with dinosaur figures

Okay, Myron turned 3 a couple of months ago, but most of this still applies.   Myron is obsessed with dinosaurs now. For his birthday, he got a dinosaur helmet cover, many dinosaur books, and multiple sets of dinosaur figurines and dinosaurs with wheels, which were a sort of “missing link” between a previous favorite […]

Language is hard

This point in Myron’s language development is both amazing and funny. I mostly wanted to write this as a reminder for my future self of these things that make me laugh and will one day make me laugh again. There were some other funny things Myron used to do which he grew out of, and […]

Trucks and Trains

Myron’s love of wheels has entered a new phase. Bicycles and trucks have, for a long time, been a favorite. So Myron was Trash Truck (from the television show with the same name) for Halloween. Em was Donny the raccoon, and I was Walter the bear. We tried the costume on him the day before […]

Play Cooking


At bedtime today, Myron demonstrated a couple of new developments. First: play cooking / feeding! He started by picking up a lotion sample and feeding it to his dog lamp. Later, I tried to read a book to him (Corduroy) while he was repeatedly climbing up and down a stool in his room. He half […]